I really am one very lucky and privileged lady.
Els includes me as team member with her business and therefore I am able to enter the exhibit hall before the show starts and stay after it closes.
I so enjoy all the excitement at set-up time. Helping to arrange the displays in Els booth is my favorite part of this process. (of course at the end of the show it all has to come down again)
You can only imagine the interesting input from the *helpers*.
All suggestions had to be cleared with the CEO (Els).
Did you know that just prior to opening the hall a wonderful ceremony including a parade featuring Scottish Bagpipes and CHA executives circles the show floor and heralds in the start of each CHA show?
Such a nice tradition.
Til next time, Carole
wish I could be there one day. What a nice way to start the show. Thanks for the pics. Always nice to live vicariously...